Hear from the many patients whose lives have been changed here…

Elyssa / Rancho Mirage, CA

By far the best place in the world!!!! It’s been 9 years now for me being sick with ups and downs. I’ve probably been to about 40 Doctors over the past 9 years trying to get treatment or for some answers. I have very odd symptoms and found out I had Mold 3 years ago but I could not find any supplements I could actually take to help me get rid of it. I did the Stay + Heal program and the doctors formatted a protocol specifically to me and my body. I’m about 6 months in and can not say enough. All of the staff members are AMAZING and so caring!!! It’s such a relief to give up trying to treat myself and fully trust the Doctors to get me better. All I can say is I wish I found it sooner but am so happy I am finally in the right place!!

Sandy + Lauren / Bethlehem, PA

My daughter has been sick for 8 years (now 18), it has been beyond a nightmare to watch her suffer and get no answers. Over the last decade, we have been tireless in our search and we took her to the “best of the best” including The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and The Mayo Clinic. Honestly she has lost all trust in the medical community and she was losing hope. We actually came to Deeper Healing to do the Stay + Heal as a last resort (Thank God) because it was here that Dr. B tested her for things that no one had ever even looked for before and we finally got answers (mold illness). My only regret was not getting here sooner. So grateful, finally answers!

Lauren/Winston Salem, NC

I wish I could give 10,000 stars. Deeper Healing is a life-changing facility filled with people that will hold a special place in my heart for the rest of my life. At 30 years old I was facing a mystery illness. I was in chronic debilitating pain, losing weight, and couldn’t eat. My hair was falling out. I had reflux constantly. It felt like my body was shutting down on me. Dr. B and the amazing staff at Deeper Healing helped me find answers (mold toxicity). For the first time in my 5 year struggle I felt listened to and cared for, and I finally saw and felt results. I was healing. I tap danced out of Deeper Healing a new woman. They gave me my life back and gave me hope for the future. Love you guys!

Tami Lynn / Greenville SC

Let me start with a praise 🙌🏼 report. When I started treatment almost 5 weeks ago, I was in stage 3 kidney failure, on top of the cancer diagnosis. Less than two weeks ago, my blood work showed normal kidney function, stage 1. Praise God! 🙌🏼 This is major progress! Although I continue to be symptomatic… inflammation, pain, clotting and bleeding are calming down. 🙌🏼

At the starting gate, I was tested for heavy metals, mold and a full bloodwork panel was done. Three weeks later (and 2.5 weeks in of intense healing work) my results showed black mold growing in my nasal cavities; a systemic load of lead, caladium, and mercury (heavy metals), and a low lying infection was found where a root canal procedure had been done in 2015. Bloodwork showed several depleted hormones, low thyroid, and my adrenal gland needs love.

Because of the link to dental health and cancer, it was recommended I see a biological dentist to do cavitation surgery to extract the tooth where the root canal was once performed. I had the surgery done as suggested. I do multiple IV infusions a week + cellular cleanses (four-part process) done on-site to get oxygen deep into my cells to help push out toxins + other therapeutic treatments that help remove the toxic load on my body and brain.

I take 3 different medications (doing my second round now) to remove parasites from my body. We all have them from food or water, but in the right conditions parasites can grow out of control and create sickness and diseases like cancer, and I take two hormone replacements for depleted hormones.

Deeper Healing Medical Wellness Center does a deep dive to look for and find the reason(s) why the body is out of balance, then helps to bring the body back into balance through different therapeutic approaches to healing. This very reason is why I chose Deeper Healing for my journey to wellness. If a promising therapy isn’t a therapeutic intervention at DH, the doctors help to find it elsewhere. The goal is physical and emotional healing so you can live a life free of sickness and disease.

I would be doing an injustice if I did not give a special shoutout to every staff member at DH. The love and care I receive from each person on my healing team goes beyond my wildest dreams!! Then again, why should I ever expect anything else from God’s Healing Dream Team!

Lyn, Charleston SC

I feel so blessed and lucky to have found Deeper Healing! I was feeling crazy: very fatigued with brain fog so severe that I could no longer perform my job. I even felt suicidal at times. I found that I was dealing with mold toxicity and heavy metal toxicity. Together my toxic load was overwhelming. Deeper Healing worked with me to reduce the mold in my system with amazing treatments that also helped to restore my brain function! Now that I’m feeling alive and able to get back to work, we will start treatments to remove the heavy metals. I already feel an incredible improvement! I’m getting my life back and am so grateful! The team at Deeper Healing is very knowledgeable, compassionate and caring! I love them! These treatments have made all the difference in my life. If you just don’t feel good and have not found the answers, I highly recommend Deeper Healing! ❤️

Taryn / Elyria, OH

I’m so incredibly thankful for the team at Deeper Healing and all the services they provide. After much research and prayer, I found Deeper Healing to help me and my family heal from mold toxicity. It is rare to work with doctors who know what you’re going through and know how to help. Dr. B said “mold toxicity? No problem!” I traveled to do their Stay & Heal and left feeling more like myself with renewed hope for healing and a plan specific for my needs. What they offer is unique and brilliant. Also, their new facility is stunning! Bottom line: I was so relieved to find them. And I’m forever grateful.

Tina Allen / Bath, NC

Rest & Heal! I can’t say enough wonderful things about every member of the staff and Dr. B & Dr. McCarter💞I’ve struggled with several autoimmune diseases for several years now. Instead of just treating you with prescriptions they get to the root cause of your symptoms with the proper labs, Iv’s, cellular cleanses, colonics, supplements, ionic foot baths, brain align therapy, one on one consultation with both doctors I feel the most informed than I ever have! And they are still my drs as long as I need them! If your suffering go to them more than likely you have mold, metal or parasites that have built up in your system over time take the time to take great care of your health!

Elana / Summerville, SC

I have had numerous extremely challenging health issues for many years. I was incorrectly diagnosed several times by traditional medical doctors. I was put on so much harmful medication, it could have actually killed me for years. In search of the correct answers I went to approximately 15 doctors that work on the traditional side of medicine…..where they pushed pharmaceuticals on me in order to get financial kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies. The medical system in America is very broken. At the age of 37 I was introduced to functional medicine. I have had several functional doctors that helped somewhat but I was not making any real progress or having the breakthrough I desperately needed. I searched Google to find a mold specialist and Dr. B and DEEPER HEALING came up…..BY THE GRACE OF GOD!!! DR. B dives deeper into your history and symptoms more than anyone ever before and I have had great results. If you are debating about whether you should give DEEPER HEALING a chance because I know at this point you have heard it all before and you are exhausted. I promise Dr. B is the answer you have been searching for. His staff is wonderful and very knowledgeable too. They made me feel like family from day 1. You must give Deeper Healing a try….it will definitely be your last stop. I understand the journey you have been on and Deeper Healing is the answer! I wish you the very best in your healing process!

Ronda / Charleston SC

I cannot articulate my appreciation and praise for the help I received at Deeper Healing through the kind and sincere care of Dr. B, Danielle, Grace, Amy, and many others. I first went to find health from toxic mold exposure but it didn’t stop there. This is not a practice that checks a box and sends you on your way, they wanted ALL of me healthy! Because of their commitment to total body healing, (physical, emotional, and spiritual), and their cutting edge treatments, I am happy, healthy, and just as important, educated. Thank you to DH and all the hope you provide.

Julie / Tennessee

Dr. B is the kindest doctor, highly intelligent and thinks out of the box. No ego or condescension with him. He truly listens and is very considerate. I missed one day of my stay + heal and he called to check on me. His staff is just as amazing. Sharing their stories and never giving up on me when I was a hard stick or had a tough day. This is what medical care in the 21st century should be like. These people are truly invested in their patients and I cried when I left. They could be charging so much more for all they do for patients but it’s not all about the money for them. I am forever grateful to have found them. THEY ARE SAVING AND CHANGING LIVES HERE.

Ashley / Charleston SC

I’m not sure I have enough space to write how incredible Deeper Healing has been to our family. Julianne’s compassion and knowledge are invaluable. She handled my daughters mold sickness every step of the way. Not only through step by step care, but always reminding us that she WAS getting better. Hope is incredibly important during this process and that is another aspect the entire team gave us during this very challenging time. We feel so incredibly thankful for everyone there. I can’t recommend them enough! We love y’all and thank you for everything!!!

Lee Anne / TX

I have been a patient of Dr. Stephanie McCarter, MD, for several years. I had suffered for more than 10 years from debilitating fatigue, chronic pain, a compromised immune system, allergies, and brain fog. Western medicine could not help me. As a matter of fact, the medications that Western Medicine offered me made me worse. For years I bounced from one functional medicine doctor to the next with only slight improvements that were short lived. I am a health care provider and was blessed to learn from colleagues that Dr. McCarter is incredibly gifted in helping those with chronic illness. Not only does she have deep knowledge of and experience with integrative and functional medicine, environmental medicine, and energy medicine, she too has suffered from chronic illness and is extremely empathetic towards her patients. Through blood and urine tests with the addition of muscle testing and allergy testing, Dr. McCarter was able to get to the root cause of my chronic illness and provide a treatment plan to get me well! It was through low dose immunotherapy, LDI, colon hydrotherapy, manual lymphatic massage, sauna therapy, nutrient and ozone IVs, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, energy work, nutritional supplements, and her compassion that I was healed. I am so grateful to Dr. McCarter for helping me get my life back! What an asset Dr. McCarter is to Deeper Healing, and I would highly recommend her to anyone with chronic illness!

Kathryn / Bedford, TX

Deeper Healing is ahead of its time. They have worked hard to find actual treatments that work to help your body heal. All things take time, and unfortunately there isn’t a fast food fix. If you truly want to rid your body of the toxins and get healthy; this is the place to do it. The staff truly cares about you and having a successful treatment/outcome.”

Nicole / NYC

As I sit here on this Sunday morning in NYC I cannot help but think of Deeper Healing and how much I miss the amazing staff! My only regret is I wish I found Dr. B and Deeper Healing a few years sooner! Firstly, I truly cannot say enough about everyone that works there and their level of love, compassion, true understanding and care, in 2 short weeks they become family and eventhough I missed my own family and wanted to get home, I did not want to leave them!!! They are a dream team and I do not have enough words to express my gratitude and love for all they do. After 2+ years of hell I can FINALLY say I am so hopeful and cannot believe the difference I feel already and am just excited to get back to living even if it will be slow and steady as Dr. B Says. I will take that over what I have felt. Thank you Dr. B and Julianne for assuring me I am not going crazy and for being so brilliant to be able to simply see exactly why I have been feeling the way I have…We need more Dr’s like you in this world! Miss Y’all ♥️ Sending Big hugs!

Katie / Grand Bury, TX

I just wanted to thank you all for the kindness and care you showed me during my 2 week stay. I have never felt so cared for and cared about at any other Dr office or clinic I’ve been too. You truly do have something special. I’m so greatful for the opportunity to heal at Deeper Healing. Thank you Dr. B for spending the time with me to really dig into the issues of my health. I really felt you were/are determined to get me answers and bring me back to health. I left there knowing I was on the right path to getting my health back, something I have questioned at other clinics. Thank you Allie, Otis, Brett, Grace, Meg, Megan, Matt, Sam and other staff for caring, it shows and it made a difference in my healing.

Jillian / East Sandwich, MA

I was exposed to toxic mold almost 10 years ago and my health has been a roller coaster ever since. l’ve seen countless doctors who were never been able to get to the source of my issues. Dr. B is one of the most brilliant doctors I have ever met. He uncovered health issues (most of which I didn’t know I had) and built a plan to help me heal. Every person at Deeper Healing cares so deeply about each patients journey; they understand the struggles, they provide the best support and even the greatest hugs when you need them! Deeper Healing has given me newfound hope on my journey back to health and I’m so grateful to have found them 💛

Cheryl / Deland, Florida

It’s almost too good to be true. After all these many years of chasing a cure, of trying to heal, spending virtually every day since July 2, 2014 either looking for a cure or being at death’s door, taking gobs of supplements, meeting with more than 35 doctors and entering clinical trials, driving thousands of miles to see renown specialists, losing almost everything that was meaningful in my life and on the verge of suicide, now finally I am healing! Praise God for this miracle. Thank you Deeper Healing and Dr. Michael Bauerschmidt and Danielle Howley.

I have been to many physician specialists across the 7-yrs that I have been ill with MECFS and MCAS etc — including renowned doctors, PhDs, and clinical trial researchers. But it was not until I started treatment with Dr. Michael Bauerschmidt at Deeper Healing that I began to really unload the toxin and toxicant burden (physical and emotional) that all my good doctors say is the cause of my illness — but which their protocols didn’t resolve. And the only reason that I learned about the success of these treatments— UBVI w/ozone, LDA, DMSA, “cellular cleanse,” brain rewiring, nebulizing, living clean (really clean), etc — was because of all the many patients that I have spoken with across these years, the ONLY ones getting well are those undergoing such treatments and lifestyle changes. While my MECFS and MCAS specialists knew about detox and living clean, their protocols just were not strong enough (supplements, diet, sauna, environment). And I was getting sicker despite everything I did and all the money spent, including getting rid of most of my things and moving into a new home at their urging. I honestly lost nearly everything and everyone that meant anything to me. I lost myself, too. The real cost to me is incalculable. It stinks having to pay out of pocket for treatment. And I can scream about the inequity in our healthcare coverage and treatment options until I am blue in the face. But once I emotionally got over this inequity and realized that, for me, it was pay or die then I was able to move forward. I am finally healing. Thank you, God. Thank you. Thank you. It has been a long and arduous journey and many times I felt that I couldn’t do it. Even several times I envisioned burning down my house with me inside. But God, my angels, my beloved mother in Heaven, and my soul mate here on earth picked me up. The road to recovery is just beginning but now I have hope and a clearly defined treatment path, which is something none of my other doctors gave me. I will update my review with my progress as time goes on. And Deeper Healing is the one and only practice, out of the 35 or 40 that I went to seeking help, that I walk into and know I am not on my own. That they’ve got my “whole body” in their care and I no longer have to figure it out like some general contractor building a condo complex of health and having to orchestrate all the specialists sub-contractor physicians. I hope that makes sense. There were many times when I felt that I couldn’t do this. But I did. And I AM. So if you feel like you can’t do it, and you’ve been disillusioned with doctors, please gather up your strength and conviction and try just one more time.

Updated: It’s a miracle! People, I have been working with a renowned MECFS doc since 2019 to clear mold, heavy metals, and other toxins and toxicants from my body. And in that time I have not made progress. But today l learned that the 2-week stay and heal that I did at Deeper Healing this Summer of 2021 cleared the mold from my body. Thank God! I did the Real-time Labs mycotoxin test prior to treatment and retested a couple of months afterwards. I can’t hardly believe this! I still have a ways to go with treatment and healing but I am elated to get such extreme results so quickly. Proof positive that it works! Treatment included the cellular cleanse (see their website) and UVBI with ozone, as well as Brain Align and IV therapy. At home, I did nebulizing, sunshine, Synctuition, glutathione and supportive supplements. I am so very grateful!!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!! Back in 2018 another renowned MECFS specialist told me my prognosis was poor and that there was no known treatment or cure. But I never gave up. Thank you God! ——- I have been to many physician specialists across the 7-yrs that I have been ill with MECFS and MCAS etc — including renowned doctors, PhDs, and clinical trial researchers. But it was not until I started treatment with Dr. Michael Bauerschmidt at Deeper Healing earlier this year that I began to really unload the toxin and toxicant burden (physical and emotional) that all my good doctors say is the cause of my illness — but which their protocols didn’t resolve. And the only reason that I learned about the success of these treatments— UBVI w/ozone, LDA, DMSA, “cellular cleanse,” brain rewiring, nebulizing, living clean (really clean), etc — was because of all the many patients that I have spoken with across these years, the ONLY ones getting well are those undergoing such treatments and lifestyle changes. While my MECFS and MCAS specialists knew about detox and living clean, their protocols just were not strong enough (supplements, diet, sauna, environment). And I was getting sicker despite everything I did and all the money spent, including getting rid of most of my things and moving into a new home at their urging. I honestly lost nearly everything and everyone that meant anything to me. I lost myself, too. The real cost to me is incalculable. It stinks having to pay out of pocket for treatment. And I can scream about the inequity in our healthcare coverage and treatment options until I am blue in the face. But once I emotionally got over this inequity and realized that, for me, it was pay or die then I was able to move forward. I am finally healing. Thank you, God. Thank you. Thank you. It has been a long and arduous journey and many times I felt that I couldn’t do it. Even several times I envisioned burning down my house with me inside. But God, my angels, my beloved mother in Heaven, and my soul mate here on earth picked me up. The road to recovery is just beginning but now I have hope and a clearly defined treatment path, which is something none of my other doctors gave me. I will update my review with my progress as time goes on. And Deeper Healing is the one and only practice, out of the 35 or 40 that I went to seeking help, that I walk into and know I am not on my own. That they’ve got my “whole body” in their care and I no longer have to figure it out like some general contractor building a condo complex of health and having to orchestrate all the specialists sub-contractor physicians. I hope that makes sense. There were many times when I felt that I couldn’t do this. But I did. And I AM. So if you feel like you can’t do it, and you’ve been disillusioned with doctors, please gather up your strength and conviction and try just one more time. Thank you!

Lance / James Island, SC

Walking into Deeper Healing in December of 2022, I was about to meet my 47th doctor in less than a year and a half. I had had a severe reaction to something and no one could figure out how to start getting my body to calm down. One of the things that came about from this reaction was a cancer diagnosis. My hematologist at a world renowned clinic has been amazed at the response to the treatments I’m receiving at Deeper Healing. I have been completely honest with my hematologist about the natural treatments I am doing, and her response to them was “I can’t tell you to stop, and there is no way I would tell you to stop. Your body is responding to those treatments.” The change that has happened in the last year has been phenomenal. I am so grateful for the entire team at Deeper Healing.

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