LDA Allergy Autoimmune

Rebalance your system with Low Dose Antigen Therapy 

Low Dose Antigen Therapy (LDA) is a safe and effective treatment used to rebalance and upregulate the immune system. It helps treat multiple coexisting conditions and is an effective, long-lasting treatment option for many allergy and autoimmune sufferers. LDA includes mixtures of over three hundred allergens that act quite universally. Patients who were not able to be helped by traditional immunotherapy or are allergic or intolerant to many substances, and with quite diverse medical conditions, respond well to treatment. Far different from other traditional immunotherapy treatments, LDA contains unique antigens that help restore your body’s immune tolerance to the environment outside and inside your body. Or more simply put, improves tolerance to the outside world, making your inside world a better place to live. LDA also appears to be effective in the treatment of variety of chronic illnesses including Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, autoimmune dysfunction and even serious allergies (such as peanut) by modulating the immune system. All without drugs that suppress your immune system. Safe for children and adults. 

LDA is a safe and effective procedure for relief of immune reactions including:

  • ADHD, Tourette’s, Autism
  • Allergies, Hay Fever + Food Sensitivities
  • Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Autoimmune conditions – particularly those associated with HLA receptors: Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Graves’ disease (GD), Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
  • Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic infections
  • Chrohn’s, Colitis, IBS
  • Eczema and Psoriasis
  • Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
  • Lupus
  • Multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS)

How Does LDA Work?

LDA works to restore your natural active immune tolerance to specific environmental antigens or allergens, which have become deregulated in allergy and autoimmune disease. LDA is used in extremely low doses that uses broad-based mixtures of allergens (antigens) made immunologically active by the enzyme glucuronidase. Following the administration of the LDA, there is an increase in T regulatory cells (Treg). The Treg cells address inappropriate cellular responses to substances promoted by CD4 (helper), CD8 (killer) and B Cells (this is where the immune system has been trying to protect you from things like food, environmental inhalants or even your own tissues). Simply put, this shuts off the allergic or adverse response. 

LDA is administered using tiny intradermal injections on the skin of the forearm. On average, our patients receive 1 to 2 injections (usually one on each forearm) per treatment. Initially, LDA injections are usually taken at two month intervals. As you progress, the interval between injections is gradually extended until they are taken at yearly intervals. Some patients may even be able to stop treatment for extended periods of time without their allergy symptoms returning. Other patients have taken injections 1 to 4 times a year for up to 20 years. Most patients can either go a long time between injections or stop entirely after about 16 to18 injections. For severe food allergies, 6 to 12 doses or 1 to 2 years of treatment may be necessary before good results are achieved. Most patients notice improvement within the first three doses. If no improvement is noted, there may be factors interfering, which we would then evaluate.

The Difference Between LDA and Conventional Allergy Immunotherapy

Conventional or what is known as “escalating dose” immunotherapy (where the dose is started low and increased over time) is employed in this country by many allergists, primarily to treat hay fever and cat and dust mite allergy, which are primarily IgE mediated. This type of immunotherapy works by creating a type of “blocking antibody” (specific IgG antibody), which inhibits the histamine-releasing ability (which produces the allergy symptoms) of the mast cell.

The higher the level of blocking antibody that can be produced, the more successful the treatment. To produce adequate levels of blocking antibody, studies have shown that administration of very high doses of allergen is required. However, this method of treatment often causes intolerable swelling and other side effects before positive outcomes can be attained, and can be dangerous. Furthermore, only allergies to inhalants can be treated – not foods or chemicals, which is often a core problem.

The advantages of LDA therapy greatly outweigh the disadvantages, particularly in the fact that it effectively treats a very wide variety of disorders not generally perceived to be immune-related or caused by an allergy such as migraine headaches, ADD/ADHD, Lyme disease, autoimmune disease, IBS, constipation, diarrhea, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic sinusitis, fibromyalgia, diabetes, weight gain, Hashimoto’s, Tourette’s and Raynaud’s syndromes, and many others. Many of our patients who have gone through LDA treatment report that they need fewer medications, get fewer infections and have more tolerance to foods, pollens and chemicals.

To learn more about LDA you can go to the source: drshrader.com.  




Results You Can Expect

Often times, the effect of LDA can be felt immediately, however, for some the full benefit of LDA will take longer to achieve. Studies have shown that 60% of patients note a significant positive response with their first treatment and almost all patients respond positively by the third treatment. In particular, some patients with food allergy or intolerance may only notice sustained improvement after three to six doses and severely reactive foods may take two years to become tolerable.

Alternatively, about 1 in 25 patients does not respond with strongly positive results until having had 6 treatments. The overall response rate for all conditions treated with LDA is approximately 65% to 95%, depending on the condition being treated.

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