The Deeper Healing Foundation Mission:
The Deeper Healing Foundation exists to help people who have financial need get the specialized treatments that help with medical issues stemming from environmental exposures. This includes defenders and veterans, many of whom are experiencing devastating health issues from occupational environmental exposures without relief. The foundation was birthed by an out-of-state patient who came to Deeper Healing for their own intensive Stay + Heal program and was so touched by what she experienced, she was inspired to“pay-it-forward” by creating the foundation to offer financial assistance to those that need it most. 100% of the fund goes to people in need.
How it works
The foundation is run by a board of volunteers that are business executives that donate their time to make determinations. Because of this 100% of the funds go to people in need. You can make a one-time donation or make a monthly donation. All donations are 100% tax deductible. Make donations here with this QR code or link, for larger donations a check or wire transfer is preferred contact Donations can be allocated to the veteran/defender fund or the general fund.
We are dedicated to helping our defenders, veterans, first responders and those who willingly endanger themselves through their service to the greater good. Deeper Healing Medical Wellness Center specializes in Environmental Toxicity and this foundation was set up specifically to help make these treatments affordable to them. Because we dig deeper with labs and offer medical treatments that reduce chemical and heavy metal toxicity and naturally heal the brain we aim for long-term sustainable results.

The Deeper Healing Foundation is focused on educating people on this toxicity issue and raising money to help pay for veterans and first responders to get treatments that could offer them long-term sustainable results. There are many ways to get involved. Donate, time or money as one-time gifts or monthly. Volunteer at one of our events. Attend our events. Help a suffering veteran or first responder learn that this program exists. Our greatest hope is that one day we will not need to fundraise to help our veterans get the treatments they deserve, ones that will help their bodies recover sustainably. Until then we will keep moving forward to help this group of deserving individuals.
The process for defenders is similar to any patient of Deeper Healing Medical Wellness Center: a detailed questionnaire, physician consult, testing and results which lead to a personalized treatment plan. Common treatments for veterans are chelation for heavy metal removal, cellular cleanse for lowering chemical levels plus oxygenation of the cells/organs, and brain align for mental issues.
Most recognize military service comes with a heightened threat of injury… what is often overlooked is that many veterans are suffering from illnesses caused by toxic exposures from their everyday work environments, living conditions or other hazardous circumstances. These illnesses may show symptoms immediately or may cause long-term effects that go undiagnosed for many years until they pose major health concerns. Even those that understand they are suffering from toxicity, many find they are left with few effective treatment options. We want to change that, join us.
“So few know what to do with the levels of toxicity that we are seeing.”– Dr. B
Veteran Exposures
Many veterans have been exposed to hazardous chemicals and materials as part of their military occupation. The Department of Veterans Affairs recognizes that certain illnesses are, in fact, caused directly by or linked to military service. Currently there are six health registries that exist for veterans who have had exposure to certain environmental hazards: Agent Orange, Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit, Depleted Uranium Follow-up, Gulf War, Ionizing Radiation and Toxic Embedded Fragments. A prominent condition affecting Gulf War Veterans is a cluster of medically unexplained chronic symptoms that can include fatigue, headaches, joint pain, indigestion, insomnia, dizziness, respiratory disorders, and memory problems. The VA refers to these illnesses as “chronic multisymptom illness” and “undiagnosed illnesses.” A number of military occupational specialties carry specific, unique risks that increase the chances of exposure to dangerous toxins. These risks can include exposure to asbestos; chemical weapons agents; specific environmental hazards in air, water or soil; and nuclear radiation. Exposure List:
A short list of potential exposures:
Agent Orange or Other Herbicides Vietnam era herbicides used to destroy foliage/crops
Smoke from Burn Pits Open-air pit waste disposal at military sites
Sulfur Fire Smoke (Al Mishraq, Iraq) Sulfur plant burned almost a month in June 2003; large amounts of sulfur dioxide in the air
Camp Lejeune Water Supplies Tap water contaminated by industrial chemicals at Marine Corps Base Camp in the 1950s- 1980s
Industrial Solvents Usually liquid, used to dissolve, degrease, clean, strip paint, etc.
Pesticides Substances used to repel or destroy pests such as insects and pathogens
Depleted Uranium Uranium used in military tank armor/ bullets
(Qarmat Ali) Hexavalent chromium in sodium dichromate dust; water treatment plant in 2003
PCB-containing transformers Polychlorinated biphenyl used as coolant and insulating fluid
PFAS Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) found in products, including fire-fighting foams
The Process
Foundation applications are provided by patient care coordinators or onboarding specialists when people express financial hardship. Applications are submitted after the initial practitioner consult so that a treatment plan has been prescribed and the cost of care can be determined. To qualify the patient must be meet financial qualifications that are verified through tax returns and then an interview is done with the applicant and one of the board members to determine eligibility and need. Determinations are made by the foundation board and letters are sent to the applicants. When an award is granted, it is made immediately available to the patient for use and can be applied towards recommended medical treatments and protocols. They have six months to use the funds or the funds return back to the foundation to be reallocated.