Anne is a lovely 57-year-old who came to me after she had been everywhere and tried everything. Despite being on bio-identical hormones since age 48, her symptoms persisted. She eventually diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed stimulants for focus, but her fatigue and depression returned. One doctor uncovered severe osteoporosis with minor spine fractures, which led to a critical discovery- lead toxicity.

At menopause or perimenopause, many women are susceptible to osteoporosis, causing these bones to dissolve and release stored lead into the bloodstream. This released lead can cause depression, brain fog, and fatigue. Anne tested high for lead and mercury due to old dental fillings, and their combination exacerbated her symptoms. After starting chelation and safely removing the amalgams. Anne’s energy and mood improved significantly.

Understanding Lead Toxicity and Its Impact on Brain Fog and Depression

Lead toxicity impacts aging health

At Deeper Healing Medical Wellness Center, we know that holistic health means uncovering and addressing hidden causes of illness. One such hidden cause, particularly relevant to our aging population, is lead toxicity.

Lead is increasingly recognized for its insidious effects on health. Stored deeply in the bones, lead can be released into the bloodstream during significant bone loss periods, such as menopause. This release can exacerbate symptoms like depression, brain fog, and fatigue.

But it’s not just women who are at risk. Most of us – both men and women – who grew up during the era of leaded gasoline have elevated levels of lead stored in our bones.

How Lead Toxicity Affects Overall Health

Lead not only impacts mental clarity and mood but it is also linked to hypertension, increased risk of heart disease, and kidney impairment. Long-term lead toxicity weakens the immune system, making it harder for older adults to recover from illnesses.

Sources of Lead Exposure

Sources Lead Exposure

Older adults who  have accumulated lead over a lifetime. 

Key sources of exposure include:

  • Lead paint in home built before 1978
  • Lead pipes and water fixtures
  • Certain occupations or hobbies like construction or stained glass-making
  • Lead- contaminated soil near highways and industrial areas
  • Imported products, toys, cosmetics, traditional remedies, and some ceramics or pottery glazes.

Identifying and avoiding these sources can help protects against harmful effects of lead toxicity.

Methods to Remove Heavy Metals

Methods to Remove Heavy Metals

There are three primary methods of removing heavy metals from the body:

  1. Oral DMSA: Effective for lead and most heavy metals.
  2. IV EDTA and DMPS: Used for a broader range of heavy metals.

However, using oral chelation initially can result in recirculating and possibly reabsorbing the metals through your liver, leading to a detox reaction – something to avoid.

Supporting Bone Health Naturally

Supporting Bone Health Naturally

Maintaining a diet that is not overly acidic is crucial.  You see, our bodies work tirelessly to maintain a slightly alkaline environment. When we consume an overly acidic diet, the body compensates by leaching essential minerals such as calcium and phosphorus from our bones to neutralize the acid. This process, while vital to maintaining pH balance, unfortunately leads to bone demineralization and increases the risk of osteoporosis.

Additionally, maintaining adequate vitamin D levels is essential for calcium deposition in bones. We recommend a minimum level of 80. Balancing your hormones can further support bone health and overall organ function.

Personal Empowerment through Environmental Awareness

Personal Empowerment through Environmental Awareness

By becoming aware of the sources of lead exposure in your environment, you take a vital step towards protecting your health. When you know where potential hazards exist, such as old paint, contaminated soil, or certain types of imported products, you can make informed choices to minimize your risk. It’s important to understand that the power to safeguard your health is in your hands. Simple actions, like ensuring your home is free from deteriorating lead paint or choosing products from reputable sources, make a significant difference. Additionally, regularly testing your water supply can help you avoid ingesting harmful lead particles.

By addressing these environmental factors, you empower yourself to create a healthier, safer living space. Remember, your well-being is deeply interconnected with your surroundings. At Deeper Healing Medical Wellness Center, we’re here to support you in every step of your journey towards optimal health. Taking proactive measures now can greatly contribute to a more vibrant, lead-free life for you and your loved ones.

PS: Our free guide to clean air and water offers valuable insights and practical tips to help you minimize exposure to harmful contaminants. Click here to download your copy today.