Pinkwashed Breast Health


October is a beautiful time of year. The country’s temperatures cool and the landscape is painted in wonderful fall colors. Here in South Carolina the temperature also cools and while our colors don’t change much, we are subjected to “pinkwashing.”

“Awareness” vs Prevention

In my personal and professional life I have lost count of the number of events that I have been asked to participate in and donate to on behalf of “Breast Cancer Awareness”, often by companies selling products that I would say contribute to breast cancer! Breast cancer represents 30% of all cancers in women. Who has not been touched by breast cancer because of a friend, relative or loved one?
Breast cancer is an equal opportunity illness. It is the number one cause of cancer death in Hispanic women. It is the second most common cause of cancer death in white, Black, Asian and Native American women. It touches women of all socio-economic levels.

Screening vs Early Detection

Breast Cancer Awareness month encourages screening. According to the American Cancer Society, women diagnosed with stage-one breast disease have a 100% chance of survival. So why is it that in the United States, breast cancer is still the leading cause of cancer death among women between the ages of 20 and 59 and is the leading cause of cancer death for women worldwide?
Because the most popular screening method is mammography. I don’t believe it is the best or earliest detection method available.
Mammograms use ionizing radiation to look for a tumor. The tumor will be seen on the X-Ray as small clusters of calcium or a mass with a different density than the surrounding tissue. The problem is that by the time a mammogram detects a tumor it is years into its growth cycle. Oh, and did you know that the radiation exposure of your yearly mammogram actually increases your breast cancer risk by 1-3%?
For patients with breast cancers identified in later stages, there are fewer treatment options and the survival rates are much lower. That’s why early detection (not to mention prevention) is key. Breast self-exam is an important early detection tool. For mainstream medicine, it’s the only tool. There are a few other tools in the early detection arsenal: Breast ultrasound and breast thermography.
Katie Couric’s breast cancer diagnosis has shined a spotlight on breast ultrasound. Breast ultrasound is a painless and non-invasive procedure uses sound waves to create an image of the breast tissue. The radiologist then looks for any suspicious changes or masses. For many years breast ultrasound has been the standard of care for women with dense breast tissue. However, it wasn’t widely available because medical insurance plans only cover breast ultrasound after a mammogram and with a referral. is a company changing that by providing breast ultrasounds directly to women at a reasonable cash price.
Infrared Breast Thermography can see the effects of breast cancers while they are still in their earliest stages of development by identifying and measuring metabolic changes in a patient’s physiology. For cancer cells to grow faster than the surrounding tissue they need additional blood flow. To get the additional blood flow, these cells tell the body to build new blood vessels and to supply the greatest possible volume of blood from the existing blood vessels. Infrared Mammography detects the increased blood flow needed by cancer cells early in their development by measuring the additional heat radiating from the skin. If you do have an infrared breast thermogram, it’s important that a radiologist experienced with infrared thermograms reads your images.
I’m honored to be a speaker during the Breast Implant Health Summit. This important 4-day event happens October 20th-23rd. I’ll talk about a subject near and dear to my heart, the importance of cleansing after explanting.
Are my Breast Implants making me sick?

Are my Breast Implants making me sick?

Are my Breast Implants making me ill?

We see it often, the missing link… while this list of symptoms is closely related to many other illness/diagnosis, most miss the potential root cause of breast implants and then the “treatments” never work. We educate many women who come to us with autoimmune and symptom clusters that we suspect many be related to their breast implants. Other women come to us after they have explanted and don’t know what to do next (most don’t make recommendations after drains are removed). Our cellular cleanse helps reduce the total body burden that these women are struggling under. Here is a detailed description of what chemicals are found in specific implants see if you can find yours. At Deeper Healing we specialize in removing mold, metals and toxins in the body. We address the underlying problems that are being ignored so that these patients can experience Deeper Healing and get back to vitality. To learn more about this issue in general… Breast Implant Safety Alliance. 

Symptoms of Breast Implant Illness

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Brain Fog
Joint Pain
Limb Numbness
Change in Vision
Nerve Pain
Burning / Tingling Skin
Bloating Gut Issues
Dry Skin and Hair
Difficulty Swallowing
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Night Sweats

Light Sensitivity
Dry Eyes
Sleep Disturbance / lnsomnia
Chronic Cough/ Throat Clearing
Flu-like Symptoms
Mixed Connective Tissue Disease
Lupus Diagnosis
Cognitive Issues / Confusion
Muscle Weakness
Decreased Libido
Candida / Yeast Infections
Shortness of Breath 

Choking Feeling
Chronic Sinus Infections
Vitamin D Deficiency
lncreased Heart rate
Sun Intolerance
Throbbing / Burning Breasts
Food Allergies
Fibromyalgia Diagnosis
Temperature Intolerance
Muscle Spasms
Neurological Issues
Weight Gain
Mood Swings
Food Intolerances
Swollen Lymph Nodes

Wondering if you have a problem?

We refer many patients to HerScan for a safe, ultrasound scan. They travel to many locations and offer this great service affordably. Here is an article about detecting ruptures and leaks using their services. 

Want to learn about healing after explant?

We recognize that it often takes more than explanting. Sadly, this is rarely discussed or recommended. Once the drains are removed and the body is ready, it is a perfect time to do a course of the Cellular Cleanse to remove deeply stored toxins. What sets us apart is diving deeper and treating with tools that work with the body to cleanse and restore. We have patient care coordinators available to speak to you if you want to learn more, 843.388.5995.

Live far away? Stay + Heal may be perfect…

Geographic location is not a factor. Deeper Healing treats patients from all over the country. Consults can be done remotely and many out-of-towners choose to take advantage of our Stay + Heal Program, it is two week value program that is a very effective way to cleanse and heal the body efficiently. To learn more

Is Mold Killing You?

Is Mold Killing You?

Mold is a type of fungus that grows as a colony. Not that long ago this class of organism usually only affected human health in the forms of athlete’s foot, jock itch and the occasional hay fever type allergy, but no longer. Since we began to build energy efficient, increasingly airtight homes health related mold issues have exponentially increased in both severity and frequency. Our airtight homes don’t “breathe” as well as older construction. This results in increased condensation, a delay in drying time for any water overflow from our air-conditioning systems, broken pipes, leaky windows or even the ill placed drywall nail. This increased water has allowed mold to thrive and to affect our health.

Mold is made up of three components: hyphae, spores, and mycotoxins. Let’s briefly look at how each of these affect our health.
Hyphae are basically the skeleton for the mold and can be the source of allergic reactions like runny nose, watery eyes and even cough and asthma. The spores, which are the seeds by which the molds expand their territory cause similar reactions to the hyphae. The mycotoxins however are another story entirely. These are chemicals that are often carcinogenic as well as immunosuppressive. So not only can they cause cancer they can also suppress the immune system that allows the cancer to grow. This immune system compromise can also result in ongoing, unremitting, infections like chronic Lyme disease and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infections. Indeed, there is increasing evidence that at least over half of the chronic Lyme is due to an underlying, undiagnosed mold issue.

Dr. Bauerschmidt has personally suffered horribly (and recovered) from the effects of black mold immune suppression and brain fog. He unfortunately knows too well how people suffer with mold in their systems and has dedicated his life to helping others recover. He finds many patients have no idea this is what is underlying their conditions. Dr. B is an expert in mold illness uses state-of-the-art labs to determine if mold is an issue and exactly what mold(s) you may have and what you must do to heal from it.

Contact Deeper Healing today to learn more and start healing today.

Fighting and Treating Chronic Epstein Barr Virus (CEBV)

Fighting and Treating Chronic Epstein Barr Virus (CEBV)

It is estimated that 90% percent of adults show a current or past EBV infection. #readthatagain. We have successfully helped many patients who suffer from this mostly undiagnosed/misdiagnosed illness.

What is Epstein-Barr?

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is one of the most common viruses around the world. Nearly every human is exposed to EBV at some point in their lives, with children being infected most often. Adults and teenagers usually get better in two to four weeks, but some can experience symptoms for months. When symptoms become chronic, a functional medicine approach can prevent further consequences of the virus. Once the symptoms have ceased, EBV becomes dormant and inactive in the body. However, it can reactivate at a later time. Once reactivated, the carrier can again pass the virus to others, no matter how much time has passed since the initial infection. 

The Symptoms of EBV 

Although the symptoms are closely related to other illnesses, a diagnosis of EBV can be made via blood tests that detect antibodies. Initial infections of EBV are often mild and closely parallel the symptoms of a common cold. Some of the general symptoms of an EBV infection include:

Low-grade fever
Body aches
Chronic Fatigue
Sore throat
Swollen tonsils
Nasal congestion
Lack of a social life 🙁 

In teenagers or young adults that develop mononucleosis, symptoms of an infection often set in around four to six weeks after exposure to the virus, and some of these symptoms can be more severe. Earlier symptoms are similar to those of a cold or the flu, and as the illness progresses, they can increase in severity.

Some of the additional signs of an advanced infection may include:

Chronic Fatigue
Inflamed or sore throat
Swollen lymph nodes in the neck
Enlarged spleen
Swollen liver
Heart Palpitations


Why do so many EBV patients travel to see us?

This is not a supplement and diet treatment. EBV patients come to us from all over the country after being told there was nothing they can do, wasting time and money and even being told it is in their head. Well, it certainly is not. We get consistent results because Dr. B asks the higher level question… Why did you immune system stop working and allow this wicked virus to flourish? And then knows what to do with the results. During treatment, Dr. Bauerschmidt will augment the immune system, while helping to remove toxins released by the virus. Using state-of-the-art light and oxygen therapies and cleansing protocols Dr. B helps patients suffering from EBV+ regain their health and overall quality of life. What sets Deeper Healing apart is the disciplined approach, detailed intakes and lab analysis to get to the root cause and treat in the right order with tools that work. 

Vacation: Time for a breather, right?

Summertime is traditionally vacation time; however, you should never take a vacation from clean air. If you’re like me you have an air purifier in your car that you can transfer to a hotel room. However, air filters can be somewhat cumbersome to pack on a plane. So, here are a few tips to help keep your Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) healthier while on vacation.

Ventilation Airflow affects how bacteria and chemicals travel through the air. When you arrive at your vacation destination, properly vent the rooms and check for unusual odors or chemical smells. If you are sensitive to chemical smells, that is you get nauseated or have headaches you should ask to be relocated to another room. I have been to many hotel rooms that have been over fragranced which in itself can be a serious problem. However, you also have to ask yourself what other odor are they trying to cover up with the use of that fragrance. Overall, poor ventilation may cause a buildup of moisture and mold and promote dust mite growth and can potentially ruin an otherwise great vacation. Encourage hotels to use natural cleaning products, it will take consumer push back to get them to stop spraying everything with harmful chemicals. 

Outdoor Air Depending on your vacation destination, the outdoor air can be hazardous to your health and affect the quality of the indoor air where you are staying. Remember your indoor air had to come from outside to begin with. Particulate matter (PM) from car and diesel exhaust is a known health risk for heart disease, stroke, cancer and other pulmonary diseases. If you are in or especially close to a city, airport or highway, be sure to keep the windows closed during peak traffic times.

Mold Mold can be present in any indoor environment, creating potential health risks. You can assess this possible IAQ hazard by checking common locations for mold, such as bathrooms, sinks, walls and other places where moisture may be present. If mold is present, ask to be relocated. If you are one of the 20% of the population that has sensitivity to molds failure to relocate could absolutely spoil your vacation as well as weeks or months after your return home.

Vacations are known as times when you can sit back, relax and bend or break a few rules. The air we breathe is the single biggest toxicant exposure we have. I urge you to follow the old adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” and take these three simple steps to a healthier vacation. Especially since that pound of cure can be more expensive than a pound of silver!